Source code for mlearn.algorithms.transform

"""This module contains general transformation functions."""

import numpy as np

[docs]def standardize(x): """ Perform z-transformation to get standard score of input matrix. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.array Input matrix to be standardized. Returns ------- x_stand : numpy.array Standardized matrix. Notes ----- .. math:: z = \\frac{x - \\mu}{\\sigma} References ---------- .. [1] Examples -------- >>> # The input matrix >>> x = np.array([[1, 11, 104], [1, 15, 99], [1, 22, 89], [1, 27, 88]]) >>> standardize(x) [[ 0. -1.25412576 1.33424877] [ 0. -0.60683505 0.59299945] [ 0. 0.52592371 -0.88949918] [ 0. 1.3350371 -1.03774904]] """ mean = np.mean(x, axis=0) std = np.std(x, axis=0) # handle division by 0 with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): x_stand = np.true_divide(x-mean,std) x_stand[x_stand == np.inf] = 0 x_stand = np.nan_to_num(x_stand) return x_stand
if __name__ == "__main__": x = np.array([[1, 11, 104], [1, 15, 99], [1, 22, 89], [1, 27, 88]]) print(standardize(x))